Killer Oceans' Blog Narrative, Mind Candy Hobby

July 9, 2019

  • Tiny Blip in Jet Stream Submerges Large Parts of Washington, DC - - It follows logically enough, "blips in the Jet Stream," when Arctic Ocean water warms; heat then rises and knocks the Jet Stream out of equilibrium, causing it to dip and bounce like a teetering, spinning top.
  • 0200, three small moths fluttering under poarch lite; June bugs remain absent.
  • Another Trump friend under investigation; this one for child sex slavery: Attorney General William P. Barr said on Monday during a trip to South Carolina that he had recused himself from the case because Mr. Barr’s former law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, had represented Mr. Epstein.

July 7, 2919

  • The Mystery of the Antarctic Sea Ice Puzzle, Sea ice Plummeting Suddenly
  • 90-degree heat stifles Anchorage for first time in its history as sweltering heat wave grips Alaska
  • Game of RISK in Real Life: Abrupt Climate Casino Disruption
  • Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is again in the media spotlight for allegedly molesting minors. Indirectly related to climate change deception and the war on science, one of Turmp's friends is again under the media spotlight for sex crimes. The crotch grabber and bone spur president might want to heed this bit of news: "Before the plea deal, Mr. Epstein, a former hedge-fund manager, had been friendly with Donald J. Trump, former President Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York." Trump's libido oriented life-style gives us pause to consider his relationship with Epstein and what he calls his "type."
  • June bug documented deaths at this latitude and longitude: 2. That's it, "2." one on the ground and under attack by ants, another feebly crawling under my porch light at mid-morning. I have one verbal account of another June bug sighting during the last month in this same place. That's a total of 3 June bug sightings in over a month. Not good. Not jolly. The war on science ramps up as the President of the United States acts like and invokes more Statuesque policies against science: Donald Trump USDA Climate Science Quash Squanders US Science Leadership | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
  • Will we soon lose Potholder54 videos? Potholder54 creates great climate related videos exposing the climate deceivers wicked ways. Now, the word is that YouTube will delete copied video from individual's YouTube channels, as in the Climate Deception Channel and Climate Deception Network. This is not good. Many channels create composite videos from a number of YouTube shared videos. One of the greatest losses will be to Pothoder54 productions, which include many shared YouTube videos. In their place, channel owners may still link to various videos, but will not be allowed to create composite from any number of shared videos. Killer Oceans blogger hopes this is formation is not correct, but if it is, the world of critical thinking will diminish with the loss of Potholder54, the Climate Deception Channel, and Climate Deception Network. Well, it's an issue documented here during the fine month of July.

July 6, 2019 -

Antarctic Sea Ice Tipping Point Crossed in 2014: Abrupt Climate System Disruption Accelerates - Pau Beckwith

Added KidExtinction.Com in defense of kids everywhere for all time.

Added Climate Kids (NASA) to home page, considering that it's today's kids that will never know carbon dioxide ppm below 400. I can only hope that they are made aware of the ignorance and climate deception perpetrated against them and many generations to come.

July 4, 2019

What We Know About Climate Change: Updated with a new foreword by Bob Inglis (The MIT Press)Adding this must read book to Killer Ocean's book list. It's so good. It should be owned and read by all adults in the USA. The audible edition is well read by a female narrator. She has a clear and distinct voice. The American English speaker will easily understand her narration. Many of the climate science elements find clear explanation. Comprehensible explanations of the physics and chemistry of the new climate change are explained along with some major proxies.

A giant heat dome over Alaska is set to threaten all-time temperature records

Donald Trump USDA Climate Science Quash Squanders US Science Leadership | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Trump plays Army during Wasington DC parade paid for by tax payers.

Dahr Jamail - The End of Ice - Seattle - March 26, 2019

July 1, 2019

Hooray, the Arctic is melting! Say WHAT? - Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

BLACK BEAR NEWS 7.1.19 Extraordinary, record crushing rainstorm deluges Honolulu


Misrepresenting Climate Science -

See Poltholder54 for interesting climate science related videos.




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Climate Deception and Climate Deniers

"When I say that Descartes consecrated doubt, you must remember that it was that sort of doubt which Goethe has called "the active skepticism, whose whole aim is to conquer itself"; and not that other sort which is born of flippancy and ignorance, and whose aim is only to perpetuate itself, as an excuse for idleness and indifference."

Huxley, T. H. Aphorisms and Reflections from the Works of T. H. Huxley - Kindle

Key words to take away from Huxley's Goethe quote: excuse, idleness, indifference. These are the key attitudes of climate deceivers and climate deniers. We see politicians relying on these attitudes to step aside from confronting the great issues, climate damage and over population.